Severe Asthma



The Severe Asthma Index is a data-driven tool that enables countries to explore national variation and gaps in care in support of driving policy action to address the unmet needs of people with severe asthma. Raw data collected from desktop research and the questionnaire were matched with each of the validated indicators and then organised into the approved indicator categories.

Severe Asthma Facts

For the year ended 2019

Severe Asthma

€380 billion

European Respiratory Society reported that respiratory diseases cost the European Union more than €380 billion annually

Severe Asthma

461,000 deaths

According to the World Health Organization Severe Asthma affects 33.4 million people and 1.3% die from a preventable disease.

Severe Asthma

3.23 million deaths

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COPD is the third leading cause of death globally

Severe Asthma Best Practices

Explore best practices in severe asthma care, focusing on innovative approaches that combine cutting-edge treatments with personalized patient management strategies

Reporting on severe asthma varies greatly across countries

A “whole system” approach to manage severe asthma is needed


Health System

There are over 90 severe asthma hospitalisations per 100,000 people between the top and bottom scorers


Disease Burden

New Zealand has x16 the rate of estimated severe asthma deaths compared to the highest-scoring country, Lithuania

Severe Asthma Steering Committee

We have an experienced team of advisors and supporters of both our Severe Asthma Index and COPD Index.

Severe Asthma

Professor Vibeke Backer, MD DMSci

Chief Respiratory Physician at Department of ENT and Centre for Physical Activity Research (CFAS), Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Severe Asthma

Sir David Behan

Chair Health Education England, NHS, UK
Severe Asthma

Mark Levy

Board Member, GINA, UK
Severe Asthma

Mikaela Odemyr

Chair ELF Patient Advisory Committee; Chair Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association, Sweden
Severe Asthma

Susanna Palkonen

Director, EFA; EU
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Severe Asthma

Prof. Dr. Arzu Yorgancıoğlu

Chair ERS Advocacy Council; GINA Board President; Chair of GINA Dissemination and Implementation Committee; Chair of the WHO GARD Executive Committee Turkey