
Finland Severe Asthma Index


(out of 24 countries)


Index Score

(out of 100)



(as a % of overall deaths)


Smoking Rate


Above average performance

Average performance

Below average performance


Finland scores well above average in the Policy Context category with a moderate implementation of a national strategy for asthma, limited alignment of care guidelines with international best practices, and moderate tobacco regulations. In terms of Environmental Factors, Finland has the best indoor air quality and the lowest level of particulate matter. Moreover, Finland ranks among the lowest in terms of Access and Care Coverage, with comparatively limited coverage of treatments (including biologics) and limited access to specialist care.

How does Finland perform in each category?

Provides further insights into how Finland scores across each Index category

Finland takeaways

Data from the Severe Asthma Index revealed the following key insights about severe asthma care in Finland


Finland could improve its Policy Context score with a more comprehensive asthma strategy and guidelines for severe asthma care


Finland has the best indoor air quality and lowest level of particulate matter across all countries included in the Index


Finland has one of the lowest levels of access to treatment but adequate access to diagnostics

Compare Finland to other countries

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