
Australia Severe Asthma Index


(out of 24 countries)


Index Score

(out of 100)



(as a % of overall deaths)


Smoking Rate


Above average performance

Average performance

Below average performance


Australia scores highest on overall performance in the Severe Asthma Index. In particular, Australia scores highly in Access and Care Coverage due to extensive access to treatments, diagnostics, and specialist care. However, its score could be further improved by addressing its comparatively low level of access to biologics and some types of diagnostics.

The country is one of the top scorers in the Policy Context category, with a strong level of implementation of asthma strategies and tobacco control policies, although it reports limited alignment with best practices in care. Australia displays one of the lowest scores in Disease Burden, with the highest rate of asthma-associated DALYs, the second highest rate of deaths, and a high obesity rate.

How does Australia perform in each category?

Provides further insights into how Australia scores across each Index category

Australia takeaways

Data from the Severe Asthma Index revealed the following key insights about severe asthma care in Australia


Australia has the highest overall score in the Severe Asthma Index, with a score of 72/100


Australia ranks highly in Access and Care coverage due to extensive access to treatments, diagnostics and specialist care


Despite scoring well, Australia has the highest rate of DALYs attributable to asthma and thus a high disease burden

Compare Australia to other countries

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