Environmental Factors
Environmental Factors Overview
The Environmental Factors category has the highest average score (79.1/100) and the second-highest range between country scores (53 points). Sweden (89), Norway, Finland, New Zealand, and Ireland have the highest scores in this category, while China (36), India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Brazil report the lowest scores.
There are areas where countries can make considerable improvements to their scores, particularly in indoor air quality and population exposure to particulate matter: Over 80% of India’s population and over 60% of Saudi Arabia’s population report being exposed to dangerous levels of particulate matter outdoors, while one-fifth to one-quarter of some countries' populations report housing conditions linked to poor indoor air quality.
Environmental Factors Key Takeaways
The most important takeaways on Environmental Factors from the COPD index

Environmental Factors
Impact of indoor and outdoor environmental factors: Indoor air quality, in terms of housing conditions, and particulate matter levels may significantly affect COPD outcomes

Environmental Factors
COPD risk tied to occupation: Several countries exhibit significantly higher occupational exposure related to COPD

Environmental Factors
Different exposure to air pollution: Countries significantly differ in exposure to outdoor air pollution related to COPD, usually aligned with higher particulate matter exposure
Environmental Factors Indicators
Ranking across countries through different indicators of COPD Environmental Factors