Sweden presents the highest score in the Environmental Factors category and a strong Access and Care Coverage category, which contributes to Sweden’s position as the tenth highest-performing country in the COPD Index
Sweden presents the highest score in the Environmental Factors category and a strong Access and Care Coverage category, which contributes to Sweden’s position as the tenth highest-performing country in the COPD Index. While Sweden has a national plan for COPD, adherence to care guidelines is generally low and their tobacco control policy is among the weakest in the Index, ahead of only Lithuania and Switzerland. Sweden presents good conditions for access to COPD diagnosis, as well as comparatively robust care pathways. However, a high percentage of people in Sweden report unmet health care needs due to distance to points of care, financial barriers, and waiting lists. Sweden reports a below-average rate of COPD-related hospitalisations, but an above-average 365-day readmission rate. To improve overall performance in the COPD Index, Sweden could strengthen its tobacco control policy, development, and implementation and, to a lesser degree, increase physician density.
How does Sweden perform in each category?
Provides further insights into how Sweden scores across each Index category
COPD Index Key Takeaways
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following takeaways regarding COPD care in Sweden.

Existence of a national COPD plan with a moderate level of implementation and adherence

There is significant room for improvement in the Tobacco Control policy

Top scorer in the Environmental Factors category, due to low levels of exposure to environmental risk factors and the lowest level of primary energy consumption from fossil fuels
Best Practices for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following best practices regarding COPD care in Sweden.
Existence of primary health care centres with asthma and COPD nurses
Challenges for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following challenges regarding COPD care in Sweden.
Need to increase the use and interpretation of spirometry results in primary care
Opportunities for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following opportunities regarding COPD care in Sweden.
Independent education and training of key professionals, e.g., physicians, nurses, and physiotherapists
Increase support for digital and remote care options, especially in rural areas
Improve phenotyping and precision medicine to help diagnosis and outcomes
Priorities for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following priorities regarding COPD care in Sweden.
Establish specialized care for severe COPD in tertiary care
Improve awareness of COPD and training for physicians and nurses at all levels of care
Compare Sweden to other countries
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Key Contributor Insights
“[The challenge is that] …the [Swedish] guidelines are adequate - it is the negligence (lack of compliance) that is problematic.”
“[In the future] we will have improved awareness of COPD…through the work by the World Health Organization (projecting COPD to become the…third leading cause of death.”
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