Ireland scores high in Access and Care Coverage, mainly due to good conditions for diagnosis, universal health coverage, and access to treatment and drugs, with minor improvements possible in telemedicine and care referral pathways.
Ireland scores high in Access and Care Coverage, mainly due to good conditions for diagnosis, universal health coverage, and access to treatment and drugs, with minor improvements possible in telemedicine and care referral pathways. Similarly, their Environmental Factors score is high, with low particulate matter levels and low environmental and occupational exposure. In Policy Context, Ireland scores above the average, mainly due to their strong tobacco control policy, COPD strategy and guidelines. However, improvements in strategy implementation and increased guideline adherence would improve Ireland’s Policy Context score. On the other hand, Ireland scores below average in Health System Characteristics, most likely due to the high number of COPD hospitalisations and a lack of health data, despite a relatively high number of primary care physicians. The burden of COPD is above average, with the highest maternal smoking rate, indicating a need for stricter tobacco policy implementation.
COPD Index Key Takeaways
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following takeaways regarding COPD care in Ireland.

High performer in the Access and Care Coverage category due to good conditions for diagnosis, universal health coverage, and access to treatment and drugs

Strong performance in the Environmental Factors and Policy Context categories

Lack of rigorous health data, which prevents from an in-depth understanding of health system characteristics and their impact on COPD management
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