Slovakia scores high in the Access and Care Coverage category, mainly due to high access to diagnostic and treatment services, and care referral pathways.
Slovakia scores high in the Access and Care Coverage category, mainly due to high access to diagnostic and treatment services, and care referral pathways. Slovakia’s score in the Health System Characteristics category is above average, with good conditions for health data recording and reporting, and a low number of annual COPD hospitalisations. Slovakia scores above average in the Policy Context category, with strong adherence to COPD care guidelines, but lacks a national COPD strategy. Slovakia’s score in the Environmetal Factors category is slightly above average, with good indoor air quality, but a significant level of environmental exposure to COPD risk factors. While Slovakia reports a high rate of tobacco use, it is among the top scorers in the Disease Burden category, due to a relatively low estimated societal cost of COPD and a low rate of disability-adjusted life years attributable to COPD.
How does Slovakia perform in each category?
Provides further insights into how Slovakia scores across each Index category
COPD Index Key Takeaways
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following takeaways regarding COPD care in Slovakia.

Low rate of COPD-related hospitalisations

Strong adherence to COPD guidelines, but lacks a national COPD strategy

High smoking rate combined with significant level of environmental exposure to COPD risk factors
Best Practices for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following best practices regarding COPD care in Slovakia.
COPD care led by specialists, lung disease ambulances
Challenges for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following challenges regarding COPD care in Slovakia.
Lack of primary care strategy for early COPD diagnosis
Prescription barriers to prescribe COPD medication in primary care
Opportunities for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following opportunities regarding COPD care in Slovakia.
Move the care from specialists to GPs, by providing incentives, training and guidelines for spirometry
Remove barriers in prescribing COPD medication
Reimburse smoking cessation help
Priorities for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following priorities regarding COPD care in Slovakia.
Not enough involvement of GPs in COPD care, quality of care among pneumology specialists varies significantly and is often not aligned with GOLD standards
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Key Contributor Insights
“There is no strategy in primary care to diagnose COPD early … GPs in Slovakia usually do not provide spirometry, all patients must be sent to pneumology specialists to be diagnosed. Upon diagnosis they are in care of pneumology specialist, as there are prescription barriers to prescribe COPD medication in GP practice. GPs can prescribe salbutamol and ipratropium bromide solely, no other medications.”
“Move the care from specialists into the competencies of GPs step by step – incentives for spirometry in GP practice, train GPs to diagnose and treat, produce guidelines and remove barriers in medication prescriptions. Smoking cessation help is not accessible for patients, GPs are not trained and not paid for doing so.”
“GPs are not involved at all, quality of care among pneumology specialists vary significantly and is often not align with GOLD standards”
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