COPD Index




Austria COPD Index


(out of 24 countries)


Index Score

(out of 100)



(as a % of overall deaths)


Smoking Rate


Societal Costs

(cost per person)


Above average performance

Average performance

Below average performance

Access and Care Coverage in Austria is relatively high, due to strong conditions for COPD diagnosis, universal health care coverage, and telemedicine.

Access and Care Coverage in Austria is relatively high, due to strong conditions for COPD diagnosis, universal health care coverage, and telemedicine. Austria scores above average in the Environmental Factors category, due in part to a high score in the Indoor Air Quality indicator. Austria’s score in the Policy Context category is below average, mostly due to a lack of strong COPD guidelines and practices. However, Austria does report good performance in the Occupational Exposure Policy indicator. Austria scores above average in Health System Characteristics, mainly due to good health data collection and reporting, as well as a relatively good density of respiratory specialists and primary care physicians.

Key takeaways

Data from the COPD Index revealed the following takeaways regarding COPD care in Austria.


Highly accessible COPD diagnosis and management – 6th highest Access and Care Coverage score


Better adherence to COPD care guidelines and the development of a national plan for COPD would greatly improve Austria’s management of COPD


Lower than average disease burden score, which is aligned with a low COPD prevalence

Best Practices for COPD Care

Data from the COPD Index revealed the following best practices regarding COPD care in Austria.

Outpatient rehabilitation

Lung transplantation

Respiratory care in specialised units


Data from the COPD Index revealed the following challenges regarding COPD care in Austria.

Need for more smoking cessation programs

Early diagnosis of COPD and case-finding

Mandatory spirometry is not available on general practitioner level

Availability of post-exacerbation rehab and out of hospital NIV service


Data from the COPD Index revealed the following opportunities regarding COPD care in Austria.

Increase international focus on lung health, patient support groups

Increase costs of tobacco products

More adherence to international guidelines

Add COPD screening to existing lung cancer screening approaches



Data from the COPD Index revealed the following priorities regarding COPD care in Austria.

Need for more public information about COPD (cause and burden)

Early detection with yearly spirometry for smokers

Increase price of tobacco products

Respiratory intensive care units

Compare Austria to other countries

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