Portugal has the highest Health System Characteristics score, primarily due to low annual COPD hospitalisations, good conditions for health data collection and reporting, and the highest primary care physician density.
Portugal has the highest Health System Characteristics score, primarily due to low annual COPD hospitalisations, good conditions for health data collection and reporting, and the highest primary care physician density. In the Access and Care Coverage category, Portugal has an above-average score with good access to treatment and drugs, relatively good conditions for diagnosis, and effective care referral pathways. However, Portugal has the highest level of reported unmet health care needs. Portugal’s score in the Environmental Factors category is slightly above average, despite reporting significant issues with indoor air quality. Portugal has below-average score in the Disease Burden category, with relatively high rates of COPD prevalence and deaths. In the Policy Context category, Portugal scores low due to the lack of a COPD strategy and the low strength and scope of tobacco control policy, despite moderately good adherence to care guidelines.
How does Portugal perform in each category?
Provides further insights into how Portugal scores across each Index category
COPD Index Key Takeaways
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following takeaways regarding COPD care in Portugal.

Top performer in the Health System Characteristics category with low hospitalisation rate, good quality health data, highest primary care physician density

Relatively good conditions for access to treatment and diagnostic services, but highest levels of unmet health needs

Addressing the lack of a national COPD strategy and relatively weak tobacco control policy would strengthen the national approach towards targeting COPD
Best Practices for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following best practices regarding COPD care in Portugal.
Spirometry services are being created around the country
Recent development of incentives for primary care professionals to work with COPD
Challenges for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following challenges regarding COPD care in Portugal.
Uneven access to good quality spirometry
Lack of knowledge about COPD among primary care doctors
Lack of motivation from the primary care units to manage COPD patients
Opportunities for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following opportunities regarding COPD care in Portugal.
There is space to create and improve national policies to stimulate primary care units to increase COPD diagnosis, as well as to improve COPD care
Spirometry services are relatively easy to create and implement
Priorities for COPD Care
Data from the COPD Index revealed the following priorities regarding COPD care in Portugal.
Support the development of more knowledge and interest in COPD among primary care professionals
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