COPD Index


Disease Burden

Disease Burden

Disease Burden Overview

The Disease Burden category has an average score of 58/100 points. Saudi Arabia (85), the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Slovakia, and Slovenia have the highest scores in this category, while Denmark (42), Hungary, Spain, Germany, and China have the lowest scores. The estimated per capita cost of COPD between the years 2020-2050 among the 34 countries is relatively high, reaching over $2300 INT (2017), highlighting not only the current burden of COPD but the need for action to address both the immediate and long-term and knock-on effects of the condition.

Disease Burden Key Takeaways

The most important takeaways on Disease Burden from the COPD index


Disease Burden

Varying societal cost: Large discrepancy in COPD societal cost can be explained by difference in prevalence, disease burden, and death rate between countries


Disease Burden

Prevention against disease burden: There is a lack of awareness on the societal cost of COPD among public and professionals, and more comprehensive preventative strategies could improve productivity loss and further societal cost


Disease Burden

Tackling smoking will reduce the disease burden: Work on lowering smoking rates includes strong policies, and implementation, but also smoking cessation and increasing population awareness of risks

Disease Burden Indicators

Ranking across countries through different indicators of COPD Disease Burden