COPD Index




Canada COPD Index


(out of 24 countries)


Index Score

(out of 100)



(as a % of overall deaths)


Smoking Rate


Societal Costs

(cost per person)


Above average performance

Average performance

Below average performance

Canada scores significantly above average in the Policy Context category, with strong tobacco control policies and relatively strong COPD care guidelines and practices.

Canada scores significantly above average in the Policy Context category, with strong tobacco control policies and relatively strong COPD care guidelines and practices. Canada’s performance in the Environmental Factors category is also above average, with good outdoor air quality, but some notable occupational exposure to COPD risk factors. Canada scores slightly below average in the Health System Characteristics category, mainly due to a low number of respiratory specialists, but also a relatively high number of COPD hospitalisations. Conversely, Canada’s score in Access and Care Coverage is above average, with the highest level of Universal Health Care Service Coverage, but weak conditions for access to telemedicine and digital therapeutics, as well as weaker than average care referral pathways.

COPD Index Key Takeaways

Data from the COPD Index revealed the following takeaways regarding COPD care in Canada.


Strong tobacco control policies, a key to reducing the burden of COPD


There is a relatively low number of respiratory specialists


Gaps in access to COPD care, but the highest level of Universal Health Care Service Coverage

Best Practices for COPD Care

Data from the COPD Index revealed the following best practices regarding COPD care in Canada.

Strong anti-smoking legislation

Excellent national COPD guidelines

Comprehensive case-management

Challenges for COPD Care

Data from the COPD Index revealed the following challenges regarding COPD care in Canada.

Lack of awareness of COPD

Access to spirometry is limited

Pulmonary rehabilitation is underutilised

Opportunities for COPD Care

Data from the COPD Index revealed the following opportunities regarding COPD care in Canada.

Increase support for specialist respiratory clinics

Leverage the Canadian Thoracic Society’s COPD guidelines to improve care and medication access

Priorities for COPD Care

Data from the COPD Index revealed the following priorities regarding COPD care in Canada.

Increase COPD awareness

Support improved access to primary care

Health care capacity building for COPD

Compare Canada to other countries

Select different countries to see how they scored across each of the 5 categories and overall

Key Contributor Insights

“Universal access to spirometry testing and interpretation should be a priority.”

“All multi-practice clinics should have a Respiratory Educator on staff to assist GPs in administering spirometry to any current or former smokers.”

“Lung function testing (CT, X-ray, etc.) should be promoted for all people over 50 who have ever smoked or work in toxic (polluted) environments (i.e., welders, firefighters, etc.). The attitude toward these lung/health tests should be similar to the promotion of colonoscopy screening for men over 50 or for breast cancer screening for women.”

“Simple COPD guidelines are widely known to physicians, and they are not fully implemented in practice.”


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